충청대학교_대표-학생공지(대표_충청마당_공지사항_학생공지) 상세보기 - 제목, 내용, 파일, 작성자, 조회수, 작성일, 학과공지 정보 제공
[Information] General library guide
작성자 : 이은정 작성일 : 조회 : 28,338
ChungCheong University Library Guide
( http://clis.ok.ac.kr)

◈ Opening hours
- Stacks[1F] : weekdays 09:00 ~ 18:00
- Reading room 1?2 [2F] : 07:00 ~ 24:00
- Reading room 3?4[B1F] : 07:00 ~ 18:00
※ Exam period : reading rooms are opened 24 hours

◈ Circulation(enrolled student)
- loan limits : Max. of 4 books
- loan period : 10 days
- loan renewal : extend the loan period for two times.(Exception: Reserved or overdue resources)
※No loan of the same copy.

◈ Reservation
- If the material you want is ‘in loan’, you can make a reservation.
- The reservation can be on the library homepage and application.
- As soon as the material is returned, you will receive a notification by SMS.

◈ Purchase Request(Apply for acquisition)
- If resources not held by the library are requested for purchase, the user should apply on the library homepage and application.
- When the requested item arrives, the user is notified by SMS.

◈ Library programs
- Reading awards - Reading discussion group
- e-book report contest
- e-Learning gift event
- Movie screening service

◈ Library resources
- Homepage : e-book, audio book, e-Learning, e-journal, document copy service, interlibrary loan service
- International students service
: providing e-Learning for Korean language
- VOD service : Movie, broadcast, live, overseas series
- Facilities(Charged) : photocopier, printer, scanner, facsimile

◈ Library homepage and mobile application ID/Password
- ID : student ID
- Password : SOCURI(Portal service) password